Over the years, I have started many collections and am drawn repeatedly to the same things. That's not to say I don't also like trends. There is definitely a time and place for trends in most designed spaces. But, there are always the things that are comforting and reliable and that I will always love in a space. At least I have for the last 10 odd years. I thought I would share a few of the things I never seem to tire of...
Jade-ite Dishes (Oh. and salt and pepper shakers too!)
Mixing patterns - adds such a dynamic quality to a space.
Small cabinets with doors and latches
(and, in case you don't already know - GREEN)
Old Suitcases
Drawers, especially metal ones
And chalkboard paint
Our wall in our kitchen is blackboard paint and we truly use it all the time. Most of the time it looks a bit of a mess, but I think it still looks okay this way. My husband and I use it for our brainstorming sessions about furniture design, kitchen layout (that's his chicken scratch way of writing "kitchen" by the way - it really doesn't say kill) and lists. Those are the preliminary drawings for the side tables we collaborated on (see entry Build up to Built-ins).
Thanks for having a look...check back soon!